The Angels Sang Peace
Bartolo di Fredi (Siena, circa 1352 - 1410) and workshop, Nativity and Adoration of the Shepherds, circa 1385. Tempera and gold on panel, Polyptych compartment, ©Vatican Museums
Eight centuries ago, in Greccio, St. Francis of Assisi expressed the desire to represent the mystery of the Incarnation of the Lord "and somehow see with the eyes of the body the difficulties in which He found Himself due to the lack of things necessary for a newborn, as He was laid in a manger and how He lay on the hay between the ox and the donkey" (Franciscan Sources XXX, 468). The impact was significant, as well as the number of artists who tackled the representation of Christmas in the following centuries, in an incredible richness and vivacity of solutions. Not infrequently, the scene also included the episode of the Annunciation to the shepherds or the Adoration of the shepherds, as appreciated in this polyptych compartment, created by the workshop of Bartolo di Fredi around 1385.
(John XXIIII – 24 December 1962)
Curated by Paolo Ondarza
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