
Mermaid Fountain, Rose Garden, Vatican Gardens, photo by Nik Barlo jr © Musei Vaticani Mermaid Fountain, Rose Garden, Vatican Gardens, photo by Nik Barlo jr © Musei Vaticani

Vatican Museums: everything is connected #3

"We exist only in relationships: with God the Creator, with our brothers and sisters as members of a common family, and with all of God’s creatures within our common home. We cannot live in harmony with creation if we are not at peace with the Creator who is the source and origin of all things."

Mermaid Fountain, Rose Garden, Vatican Gardens, photo by Nik Barlo jr © Musei Vaticani



“The Creator does not abandon us;
He never forsakes His loving plan or repents of having created us.
Humanity still has the ability to work together
in building our common home.”

(Pope Francis, Laudato si’, 13) 

Under the direction of Paolo Ondarza
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18 October 2020, 08:50