
Pope Francis meeting members of Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ (Passionists) Pope Francis meeting members of Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ (Passionists)   (VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto)

Pope to Passionists: ‘Bring the hope of God’s love to a suffering world’

Addressing the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ, Pope Francis encourages the Passionists to continue proclaiming Christ’s redemptive presence to a suffering humanity torn by wars, poverty and divisions.

By Lisa Zengarini

Pope Francis on Friday welcomed to the Vatican the members of the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ, commonly known as Passionists, as they conclude their 48th General Chapter in Rome.

“Here I am, send me”

Themed “Here I am, send me” the Chapter has reflected on how the Congregation founded in 1720 by St. Paul of the Cross, can respond appropriately to the new challenges of our difficult times to carry out its  mission of living and proclaiming the memory of Christ’s Passion in the world.

Taking his cue from Isaiah’s words, Pope Francis encouraged the Passionists to continue their commitment to sharing the Gospel in these challenging times  by exploring new paths for evangelization, while preserving the charism of their founder

Don't abandon contemplative life

We must go out to the streets,of the world to avoid becoming stagnant and musty, as a testimony to our oyful and fruitful faith”, the Pope said.  At the same time, he reminded them  that such an outreach “will only be effective if it springs from the fullness of love for God and humanity, lived in contemplative life, in fraternal relationships within the community, and in mutual support.”

“Don't abandon contemplative life! You have a rich tradition of contemplative life.”

War is a waste for humanity

Recalling St. Paul of the Cross’s profound spirituality, especially his understanding of Christ’s death on the Cross as the ultimate display of God’s love, Pope Francis called on the Passionists to continue his legacyby proclaiming Christ’s redemptive presence in the sufferings of our daysmarred by poverty, wars, “a waste for humanity”, distruction of creation, and the rejection of the weak.

“Remain faithful to the task of keeping alive the precious charism of St. Paul of the Cross. Evangelization, based on good personal witness, on the kerygma, on homilies, proclaims the love of God that is given in the Son for human salvation. Your Founder grasped all of this at its deepest root.”

Love brings hope

Noting that the Chapter coincides with the  the Synod on synodality and is close to the opening of the 2025 Jubilee, whose main themes include hope, Pope Francis remarked that this virtue is also central to the Passionists' charism empowering them to find meaning even amid human suffering.

Mary's example

Concluding his address, the Pope  urged the Passionists to live out their mission with words of truth, acts of compassion, and the silent presence that comforts the suffering, looking to the Virgin Mary as a model selfless service to God's plan of salvation. “Following the example and through the intercession of the Virgin Mary."  he said "the Passionists live their consecration and mission, aware of the urgency to spread the message of salvation.”

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25 October 2024, 14:03