
Pope Francis will close the “(Dis)equalities” journey with a reflection Pope Francis will close the “(Dis)equalities” journey with a reflection  (Vatican Media)

Pope to close conference focused on ending inequalities in Rome

Pope Francis will visit the Basilica of St. John Lateran on October 25 to attend the conclusion of a long-running conference on the theme, “The Responsibility of Christians in Response to the Expectations of Charity and Justice in the City of Rome,” a journey that began 50 years ago.

By Kielce Gussie

On October 25, the Basilica of St. John Latern will host a meeting attended by Pope Francis and members of the Diocese of Rome to conclude the “(Dis)equalities” journey.

The initiative was launched in February to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the conference, “The Responsibility of Christians in Response to the Expectations of Charity and Justice in the City of Rome.”

An initiative that began 50 years ago

Originally held on February 12-15, 1974, the event was known as the conference dedicated to the “ills of Rome.”

Half a century later, Archbishop Baldassare Reina, the Vicegerent of the Diocese of Rome, has reiterated the importance of reflecting on the challenges facing the city and “on the responsibilities of Christians in the face of these inequalities.”

“(Dis)equalities” in Rome today

Since February 2024, the “(Dis)equalities” initiative held various meetings centered on identifying the areas where exclusion and inequalities are the most evident—from education and healthcare to housing and employment.

At each meeting, hosted in a different location around Rome, speakers highlighted the key figures in these sectors: students, healthcare workers, and economists and their role in finding and implementing solutions to disparities in the city.

On October 25, Archbishop Reina will lead the afternoon of prayer and reflection, which will begin at 5:30 PM.

Italian journalist Marco Damilano will give a summary of the last 8 months of the initiative with the testimonies of two people.

Pope Francis will give a reflection to close the assembly.

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03 October 2024, 17:13