File photo of Pope Francis addressing the Roman Curia File photo of Pope Francis addressing the Roman Curia  (Vatican Media)

Pope urges Cardinals to renew commitment to economic reform

In a letter to the College of Cardinals, Pope Francis calls on its members to support the ongoing economic reforms of the Holy See and stresses the importance of financial transparency, responsibility, and solidarity.

By Pope

In a letter addressed to the College of Cardinals, dated 16 September 2024, Pope Francis observed that ten years have gone by since the beginning of the reform of the Roman Curia and he reminded them of their role and responsibility in this regard.

“In your role of assisting the Roman Pontiff in governing the universal Church,” he wrote, the task of accompanying those involved in this process of transformation has fallen “on you, Cardinal brothers.”

Reflecting on the progress made since the reforms began, thanks to the promulgation of , the Apostolic Constitution that reorganized the Roman Curia and laid the foundation for reform efforts across Vatican institutions, the Pope reiterated the principle of Ecclesia semper reformanda—"the Church must always be reformed"—as the guiding spirit behind the changes.

Noting that the reorganization of the Roman Curia is aimed at ensuring that it assists the Successor of Peter in carrying out his supreme pastoral mission in service to the universal Church and local Churches, the Pope acknowledged the efforts and sacrifices of the men and women who have adapted to this process of renewal and said, “This renewal is a testimony to vitality and grace.”

The need for economic reform

The Holy Father underscored the need for continued focus on economic reform, a topic, he said, that had been widely discussed during the general Congregations prior to the 2013 Conclave.

“The past years have shown that the requests for reform, which many members of the College of Cardinals have made in the past, were farsighted,” he wrote.

These reforms, he continued, have helped raise awareness that “the economic resources at the service of the mission are limited and must be managed with rigor and seriousness.”

Thus, Pope Francis called for renewed efforts to eliminate the Holy See’s budget deficit, urging Vatican institutions to work towards achieving “zero deficit” as a realistic goal. He highlighted the ethical policies that have been put in place to improve financial performance, while also encouraging each institution to seek external resources in support of their mission.

Such efforts, he said, must serve as an example of “transparent and responsible management in the service of the Church.”

Solidarity and cost reduction

In his letter, the Pope also spoke of the importance of solidarity among Vatican entities.

“The institutions of the Holy See have much to learn from the solidarity of good families,” he said, adding that “those who are in a good financial situation help those in need.”

This form of generosity is rooted in the Gospel, he continued, and is a necessary foundation for asking for generosity from others outside the Church.

Calling for concrete steps to reduce unnecessary expenses within the Vatican, the Pope urged the Curia to embrace a spirit of “essentiality” in its operations, “avoiding the superfluous and carefully selecting our priorities, fostering mutual collaboration and synergies.”

“We must be aware that today we face strategic decisions to be made with great responsibility, as we are called to ensure the future of the Mission,” he wrote.

Courage and collaboration

In concluding his letter, Pope Francis invited the Cardinals to support the ongoing reforms with “courage, a spirit of service, and generosity.” He encouraged them to contribute constructively to the process by sharing their knowledge and experience, stressing that the work of each institution forms part of a larger whole, united in the common mission of serving the Church.

“Each of the institutions of the Holy See forms, together with all the others, a single body,” the Pope reminded the Cardinals, “Therefore, authentic collaboration and cooperation toward the single goal of the Church’s good is an essential requirement of our service.”

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20 September 2024, 13:12