
Care for creation Care for creation 

Caritas Internationalis: ecological conversion needed before it's too late

In a message to mark “Laudato si Week”, the Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis, Aloysius John says an ecological conversion is needed before it’s too late.

By Pope

"The Covid-19 pandemic has given us clear indications about the vulnerability and fragility of our modern world.”

This is what Aloysius John, Secretary General of Caritas Internationalis, writes in a message on the occasion of "Laudato si Week", which is taking place from May 16 to 24.

It’s been five years since the publication of the Pope Francis’ encyclical letter on the care for creation, which the Secretary General emphasizes is a  document that demonstrates, "clearly, how we are all interconnected and how we cannot live in ignorance of others or in isolation."

He adds that, "We are all co-responsible for everything and it is our duty to protect the human person, the environment, nature and the society in which we live."

Ecological Conversion

An ecological conversion is needed before it is too late," says John.

"Let the commemoration of the fifth anniversary of the encyclical be, therefore, a kairos, an opportune moment of reflection and change to commit ourselves to building a new world in which each of us can hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor, in order to build a just society and to safeguard the environment.” 

Community action

In conclusion, the Caritas Secretary General urges all communities and parishes to celebrate this encyclical, calling people to become protagonists in changing our world, and “converting our hearts and minds".

"The spirit of spontaneous solidarity that emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic, he says,  must continue" to exist also in relation to Creation from the perspective of an "individual and collective" responsibility.”



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23 May 2020, 12:12