

Protesting farmers clash with police in Haryana as they attempt to reach Delhi Protesting farmers clash with police in Haryana as they attempt to reach Delhi  (ANSA)

Indian farmers teargassed as they march on Delhi

Indian security forces fire water canons and tear gas in an attempt to stop thousands of farmers marching on New Delhi after talks with the government fail in a scenario tinged with political interests.

By Linda Bordoni

Riding tractors and trucks, the protesting farmers are demanding greater support, guaranteed prices for their produce and forgiveness for loans, as well as a number of other concessions.

The capital – New Delhi – meanwhile, is ringed by razor wire, cement blocks and fencing on three sides to keep protests at bay, as authorities on Tuesday detained a number of farmers and suspended internet services in some districts of neighbouring Haryana state.

They are determined to control the demonstrations to avoid a repeat of the 2021 protests, in which dozens died and tens of thousands of farmers camped outside the capital for over a year, enduring a harsh winter and a devastating COVID-19 surge.

Those protests ended only after ministers agreed to repeal controversial agriculture laws, but just over two years later, the farmers say other key demands have not been met.


“We do not want to break any barricades. We want resolution of our issues through dialogue.” said the leader of one of the farmer groups.

Today’s confrontation comes after a breakdown in negotiations between union leaders and government ministers on Monday.

Apart from the socio-economic significance of the protests, with national elections on the horizon, politics plays a huge part in this year’s showdown due to the sheer number of farmers in India.

Analysts say the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and his Bharatiya Janata Party – the BJP - who is seeking a third consecutive term in power in general elections this year will be keen not to alienate them.

According to government figures, two-thirds of India’s 1.4 billion people draw their livelihood from agriculture, accounting for nearly a fifth of the country’s GDP. (Source various news agencies)

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13 February 2024, 15:35