

#EOF2022: Evangelical Church present in Assisi to share values of ecumenism

As participants in the Economy of Francesco share their views in a spirit of openness, Adrian Pust, a young Evangelical Church representative from Switzerland, describes the importance of the value of ecumenism, without which he says there can be no just and fair global economic structure.

By Francesca Merlo - Assisi, Italy

It's not only Catholics who have travelled to Assisi to participate in the three-day Economy of Francesco.

Members of Churches of other Christian denominations working in the field of economics have come to stress the important values of ecumenism.

Adrian Prust from the Evangelical Church in Switzerland describes these as being similar to the values which Pope Francis speaks about in his encyclicals Laudato si' and Fratelli tutti.

He says these values are also essential for the creation and development of sustainable and fair global economic structures. 

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23 September 2022, 08:23