

Asylum seekers protest against the new camp at Kara Tepe on Lesbos island, Greece, 12 September 2020. Asylum seekers protest against the new camp at Kara Tepe on Lesbos island, Greece, 12 September 2020. 

Pope Francis urges that the voice of demonstrators be heard

Pope Francis addressed the “numerous popular manifestations of protest” throughout the world in remarks spoken after the Angelus on Sunday.

Pope Francis turned his thoughts to those protesting in numerous demonstrations throughout the world. He made these remarks after concluding the recitation of the Angelus with the faithful gathered on Sunday in St Peter's Square.

He said these protests “express the growing disappointment” people have regarding certain critical “political and social situations.”

To demonstrators

His words to the demonstrators was that of urging that they present their demands “peacefully, without succumbing to the temptation of aggression and violence.”

To leaders

Turning his attention to those with responsibilities toward the public and to those in government, Pope Francis appealed that they “listen to the voice of their citizens and welcome their just aspirations assuring complete respect for human rights and civil liberties.”

To ecclesial communities

He also had a word for the “ecclesial communities” in areas experiencing such protests. He invited these communities, to “do everything possible “in favour of dialogue”, and “in favour of reconciliation”, under the direction of their pastors. 

Playback of Angelus, 13 September 2020

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13 September 2020, 12:44