

2022.09.30 Sunday Gospel Reflections

Lord's Day Reflection: 'Go and Proclaim'

As the Church marks the Seventh Sunday of Easter, Jenny Kraska offers her thoughts on the day’s liturgical readings under the theme: "Go and Proclaim".

By Jenny Kraska

This Sunday nearly every diocese in the United States will celebrate the feast of the Ascension. The Ascension marks the culmination of Christ’s earthly ministry; it is evidence of His victory over sin and death, as well as His promise to be with us always.

The Gospel captures Jesus’s final instructions to His disciples before His Ascension. He commands them to “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” (Mk 16: 15)

This command is a call to action, not only for the disciples, but for all believers. We are called to be ambassadors of Christ’s love and salvation, proclaiming the good news to anyone who will listen. 

The Ascension and Jesus’ command are a reminder of our own responsibility as followers of Christ to continue His work in the world.

We are each called to share His message of hope, redemption, and reconciliation with a broken and hurting world. Each of us have been empowered by the Holy Spirit to be instruments of God’s grace, bringing light into the darkness and healing to the wounded.

This Sunday, we also celebrate Mother’s Day, which adds an additional layer of significance to the solemnity of the Ascension.

Mother’s Day provides us with a special opportunity to honor and appreciate the women who have guided, nurtured, and loved us unconditionally. Mothers play an irreplaceable role in shaping our lives. Their love reflects the love of God who cares for each one of us with boundless tenderness and affection.

I would be remiss if I did not mention the faith and love of Christ’s own mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. In Mary’s witness, we find inspiration to embrace the promise of Christ’s resurrection and the hope of eternal life.

Whether biological, adoptive, or spiritual, mothers leave an indelible imprint on our hearts, teaching us invaluable lessons of faith, resilience, and unconditional love. This Mother’s Day, let us give thanks for the gift of maternal love and the countless ways mothers enrich our lives. 

As we celebrate the feast of the Ascension and Mother’s Day, let us reflect on the interconnectedness of these occasions and the profound truths they convey.

The Ascension reminds us of Christ’s victory over sin and death and His promise to be with us always. Mother’s Day honors the women who embody divine love and nurture the seeds of faith in their children’s hearts.

St. John Paul II, in his 1979 Ascension homily, remarks on the joy Mary experienced knowing that her Son was in heaven and encourages us to find strength in the love of Christ and to share that love with others.

"Realize that the strength of Christ is greater than our weakness, greater than the weakness of the whole world. Try to understand and share the joy that Mary experienced in knowing that her Son had taken His place with His Father, whom He loved infinitely. And renew your faith today in the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ, who has gone to prepare a place for us, so that He can come back again and take us to Himself."

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11 May 2024, 15:00